mystery case files series Games

Home > mystery case files series Games

Games that are a part of the hidden object puzzle series Mystery Case Files.

DFG Score User Score Game


5.0 / 5

Unveil the dark secrets of this eerie mansion!

6.5 / 10

5.0 / 5

4 missing students and a terrifying legend!

8.0 / 10

4.6 / 5

Collect clues to solve Huntsville's mysterious crime wave!


5.0 / 5

Solve a murder at the circus before it happens!

8.0 / 10

4.9 / 5

Catch the thief responsible for stealing the Queen's diamond!

7.5 / 10

4.6 / 5

Find a missing woman in Ravenhearst mansion.

9.0 / 10

4.8 / 5

Discover the darkest secrets of the manor before it's too late.